Parents’ Page

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Internet Safety Training
Internet Safety Training was provided by MGMS Training this week, with training sessions for pupils and for parents. It served as an important reminder for parents of the online dangers which exist for our children as they engage increasingly in on-line activity.
Amongst the points highlighted to parents were:
• Engage with your child regarding the sites and applications which he/she is using, discussing those which are age and content-appropriate;
• Encourage you child not to engage with any person online who is not known to them;
• Leave all devices downstairs at night, or at an agreed central location. Studies show that most cyber-bullying takes place late at night;
• Know all your child’s passwords;
• Because a picture is deleted on a device, it remains in the cloud, and possibly on the devices of others, indefinitely;
• Beware of chain-messaging; children are frequently unaware that, contrary to their belief that they are communicating with one person, their messages may be reaching a far wider audience;
• Respect for others and their privacy ought to be adhered to online;
• Give technology its rightful place. Always maintain a balance between online and offline activity.
For further information, see, or click on the following link:
iPad Usage and Safety
An information session for parents on iPad Usage and Safety was held on Tuesday, April 4th 2017. Slides from the presentation can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
Presentation on iPad Usage and Safety
Mentor-a-Parent Programme
The following article appeared on the Evening Echo describing the Mentor-a-Parent programme that is being piloted in Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin in conjunction with the CEIA;
Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin students to show parents how snapchat works
CHILDREN are set to coach parents in the safe use of online technology through a new “Mentor A Parent” programme driven by the Cork Electronics Industry Association.
Young people will educate parents on everyday technology from SnapChat to internet security among other key online skills.
The Mentor-a-Parent programme is already being piloted at Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin, and will roll out across Cork in September 2017.
“Technology is part of our everyday lives and yet children are using it in very different ways to adults,” says Valerie Cowman, Skills and Education Chairperson of the CEIA.
“We felt it was vitally important for parents and guardians to be better equipped with online skills, from using apps to being able to manage their network security and wifi at home, to SnapChat and other social media channels and who better than young people to provide this type of training.”
The CEIA are keen to promote the use of technology, which is vitally important for all ages, and yet to ensure through the Mentor-A-Parent programme that technology should not be intimidating but instead good fun for everyone.
For young people, the tech coaching empowers them through the training to showcase how they use technology, and why they chose certain applications of technology, particularly through smartphones and devices. The programme is also a novel and valuable way in which parents can equip themselves with the knowledge to discuss technology with their children and to be a pro-technology household that is safe and secure online.
“Embracing technology as a learning tool is central to we do at Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin,” principal Áine-Máire Ní Fhaoláin explained.
“As we guide our students’ learning towards key skills such as communication, creativity, and the ability to manage information, we are excited about the potential of CEIA’s Mentor-A-Parent programme.”
If you are interested in getting involved in Mentor-A-Parent, please visit for more information.
Sportathon 2017
Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin’s Sportathon took place on Friday, May 19th this year. Our pupils enjoyed a wide range of activities throughout the day, including Yoga, Strength and Conditioning, Poc Fada and Tug-of-War. We are very grateful to our Parent’s Association for their huge contribution towards organising and running the Sportathon. Congratulations and well done to our pupils for collecting over €1500 on the day. This money will be used to fund the new School Library. Gurbh fada buan sibh.