School Travel Plan
Campas Oideachais Charraig Uí Leighin
- There are more than seventy bicycle spaces available on the grounds of the school. The Ballinrea Road has been reconfigured with works including a new cycle lane to the gate of the school from the Cork Road. We have also installed an new bicycle shelter outside the school to encourage students to cycle to school.
- The Environmental Committee will organise days such as ‘Walk to School’ and ‘Bring your Bike’ days once a term to increase awareness of cleaner ways of travelling to school.
- Students will be encouraged to walk the final few hundred metres of their journey to school if they are not in a position to walk/cycle the full journey.
- This plan will be shared with all members of the school community and emphasis will be placed on personal responsibility around parking and safety.
- The new footpath and cycle lane between the Cork Road and the Ballinrea Road opened in September 2024. We strongly encourage students travelling from this part of the town to use this footpath to come to school.
Traffic Reduction
- The school start-time was moved forward to 08:45a.m. to avoid the Gaelscoil traffic.
- Supervised Study will take place at least two evenings per week which will reduce the number of students going home at 3:30p.m.
- The school building will open at 8:00a.m. Pupils are welcome to arrive early. This is a major help in helping to avoid traffic congestion in the morning.
- A Traffic Steward will be overseeing parking outside the school. Illegal parking or parking that poses a health and safety risk will not be tolerated.
- Through the Parent’s Association, awareness of our impact on neighbouring housing estates will be highlighted, especially around parking and access.